Doll Mods

Hello! While I’m waiting for electronic parts to arrive, I’ve been working on some doll modifications.

I re-flocked this fella’s hair and gave the top a trim.
Yeah, that is actually light outside my workshop window. Finally!

I’m also continuing work on my cat girl doll. You might remember that she came to me with a broken leg. I re-designed her knee joints to make them stronger (using metal instead of plastic). However, the new joints, though strong and very flexible, are rather ugly. So I tried to cover them with some fur-textured epoxy paste.

Hmm, interesting concept but not quite how I imagined it.
They look okay-ish when straight but you can probably see a bit of a gap in the back there.

I’ll probably end up using something like this aesthetic as I continue to experiment. For now, I need to study the other dolls I have collected to see how those manufacturers do their joints and see what I can learn.

As an artist or craftsman, it’s never a bad idea to take the time to learn more about your craft. Time spent practising is never time wasted. Perhaps you’d like to follow along as I take a look at doll joints?

Yes I Forgot to Post Last Week

Whoops! Sorry guys, I got back from a month of vacation and just kind of derped on the whole blog-update thing. Anyway, I’m back from Canada and doing some research and development on doll making.

There are a lot of different ways to make joints for a doll or action figure. How to decide what kind of joints will work best for the toy I want to make? Well, I went around buying some new and used jointed dolls to study and experiment on. I need to decide what works and what doesn’t and since I’m not a huge manufacturing mogul, I can’t afford to make all my own mistakes. I need to learn from what others have already done.

Here’s a sneak preview of a Monster High doll I’m tinkering with and modifying.

Those knees need to be much more robust than Mattel designed them to be. I’m fixing that. 😉 Turns out being stick-thin isn’t all it’s cracked up to be eh?

In other news, WordPress is currently really not impressing me. I have to re-boot my router every time I want to upload images and the website crashes all the time. It did it to me again today in the middle of writing this post so I’ve had to re-do it. This wasted half of my working day. Thanks WordPress. I will be switching to Square Space in the near future. I’ll let you know when that happens. I’ve had enough of crappy service. 🙂